What We Teach
Our Statement of Faith
At Abounding Fellowship, we affirm our belief in the Bible as the divine and authoritative Word of God. We believe in Jesus Christ, who was miraculously born, spoke with divine authority, performed powerful miracles, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will one day return in glory to establish His kingdom on earth.
The Scriptures
The True God
God the Son
The Holy Spirit
The Gifts of the Spirit
The Creation
The Virgin Birth
The Atonement for Sin
The Fall of Man
The Devil or Satan
Social and Moral Issues
The Church
Baptism and the Lord's Supper
The Perseverance of the Saints
The Righteous and the Wicked
Civil Government and Religious Liberty
The Resurrection and Return of Christ
Missions and Evangelism
The Grace of Giving